"Is that your intent...?"
Turtle Staff
"The Circle is open, yet unbroken."
3-day wait in OR, too.
Stephanie & 
Bert W.
Jessie Honeyman State Park
Florence  OR
CAM calling the direction North
License Paperwork to make it Legal!
"Is that your intent?"
Tiffany & Dave B.
Carkeek Park
Seattle  WA
Happily Handfasted Newlyweds
"Is That Your Intent?"

Fast becoming an oft chosen custom for couples who desire a unique manner in which to wed. 
This ritual typically incorporates multi-colored cords
to bind the couple together; hence 'tying the knot'. 
The rite is rooted in many cultures and
religions [Celtic, Pagan & Wiccan, etc.] dating back centuries. 
I am not actively affiliated nor a practicing priestess with any of the above,
but I do appreciate and respect their traditions. 
I have performed a number of these ceremonies in many contexts and
am available and capable, if that is your intent.

Sarah & Geordie P.
(of New Jersey)
Luna Park Pier
West Seattle  WA

An Intimate Circle Formed of Rose Petals
"Will you cause..."
Handbraided Cords 
Amy & Tien B. 
(& Riley)
Family Backyard
Olympia WA

Colorful Cords
Lavender & 
Joe F.
The Grotto @ 
Saint Edward State Park
Kenmore WA
For the expectant parents
A Spring Equinox Handfast
Your Reverend SuZen (C.) 2007
Weddings By The Reverend SuZen (C.) 2007
Your Reverend SuZen & CAM
Golden Gardens Bathhouse  Shilshole Bay
Ballard/Seattle WA

"And so the binding is made..."
"Will you cause...?"
An Intimate Circle Formed of Rose Petals

A Single Cord Rich in Color and Meaning
Happy In Love And Life
A Family Now Joined
Kandice & 
Peter R.
(and Alexis, Brendan, & Jacob)
Their Backyard
Eugene OR